Aaron Herron

Inducted in 1993
Men's Basketball
As a Lion

Aaron Herren came to Freed-Hardeman in the fall of 1951, having played both basketball and baseball in high school. He continued with both sports at FHC where he was a guard on the basketball team and a shortstop on the baseball team.

He was co-captain and leading scorer of the basketball team in 1953 and elected Most Athletic by his classmates. In 1954 he was again the team's leading scorer with 17.8 average. A January 1953 edition of the Skyrocket described him as a "prodigious guard."

The 1954 Treasure Chest said, "Versatile Aaron Herren repeatedly thrilled fans with his astonishingly accurate "behind the hoop shots". Often to the delight of the locals and to the dismay of the opposing quintets. Aaron tirelessly tallied to spark the attack. Not only did the cunning guard exhilarate the offense, he also turned in a steady defensive performance."

After Graduation

Herren has continued his interest in sports through coaching community recreational basketball teams and Little League baseball, as well as playing softball himself.

Today he is the minister of Joliet, Illinois, Church of Christ. He and his wife, the former Reta Watson have four children, all of whom attended Freed-Hardeman, and nine grandchildren.