John L. Weeks

Inducted in 1989
Baseball, Basketball, Football
As a Lion

An outstanding athlete at Chester County High School, John L. Weeks played baseball, basketball and football. In 1931, the basketball team won the state championship, defeating Lenior City 31-9. Chester Co. held Lenior City to one point in the first half and twenty-one minutes had passed before they scored a field goal.

Attending Freed-Hardeman 1933-35, Weeks also played three sports there. He was captain of the football team. The 1935 basketball squad participated in the National AAU tournament in Denver, Colo. At FHC he was named Most Athletic Student. The 1934 yearbook called "Bunny" a holy terror to opponents on offensive and defensive alike." In basketball, he was said to be "on offensive and defensive alike." In basketball, he was said to be "one of the scrappiest and most consistent players ever to don the green and gold."

After Graduation

Weeks continued his education and athletic career at Union University where he played football and basketball. After graduation, he played on various semi-pro baseball teams.

He is today an avid sports fan and golfer. He and his wife Clara have three sons and eight grandchildren.