Randall Rhodes
Randall Rhodes
  • Title:
    Head Coach
  • Phone:
  • Email:
  • Year:
  • Alma mater:
    Northeastern State (Okla.), 1990
  • Office:
    Thomas Landon House 208


Randall Rhodes takes over Freed-Hardeman golf programs for his first season in 2023-24.

With over 30 years of leadership experience and 12 years of being around competitive golf, Rhodes hopes to make an immediate impact on the teams. "We will focus on the preparation necessary to play our best and to compete for championships," said Rhodes. "I'm excited about having a team atmosphere and a commitment to excellence."

Rhodes has been a golfer for over 35 years and hopes to spread his love for the game to his charges, saying, "Freed-Hardeman provides a life-changing experience for students and the FHU golf program is part of making that happen for athletes. Incoming players can expect commitment to working hard and having fun. Players will experience a passion to help them develop their talents and to achieve their potential."

Rhodes graduated from Northeastern State (Okla.) University with a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science in 1990, followed by a Master's Degree in IT Management in 2023 from Western Governors (Utah) University. He is married to Kim, with one son, Tyler - who is a senior on FHU's golf team.